Section News

Watch Again | Quality Assurance of Transformers Presented by Professional Engineer Ronnie Minhaz

On March 4th the UK and Ireland PES Chapter co-hosted a webinar in conjunction with the University of Birmingham IEEE Student branch. This event was entitled “Quality Assurance of Transformer” presented by professional engineer Ronnie Minhaz. The event had great participation with 35 attendees and robust dialogue.

Transformers play a key role in enabling safe and reliable power system operation and this lecture described many of the critical elements in the quality assurance process to support operational reliability and ensure appropriate transformer life expectancy. Members interested in viewing the talk can visit

After providing a brief introduction to the purpose of quality assurance, the speaker reviewed critical elements to consider when conducting manufacturing site visits complete with pictures of various previous site visits that he had conducted. Finally, the talk ended with examples of how to incorporate transformer specifications when procuring transformers.