Section News

Watch Again: Dynamic Estimation and Control of Power Systems by Bikash Pal

Electrical generation, transmission and distribution systems all over the world have entered a period of significant renewal and technological change and upgrade. There have been phenomenal changes/deployments in technology of generation driven by the worldwide emphasis on energy from wind and solar as a sustainable solution to our energy need.

Model based control design strategy is not as effective now in system operation. Faster estimation of system dynamics, phasor estimation, point of wave estimation are now very useful for time critical monitoring and control of a real-world power network.

The interconnected AC system becoming lighter and lighter because of replacement of centralised synchronous plants with non-synchronous ones. Fast frequency response provision is very vital for keeping the lights on.  This is the most credible challenge in smart transmission grid operation today.  The reports from some of the recent power grid failures have exposed the inadequacy of control and protection of the network.

This webinar highlights the importance of dynamic estimation and control of power networks for their stable operation. It discusses both centralised and decentralised options.  The speaker shares his research experience in this topic and highlights future research challenges and opportunities.

Bikash Pal is Professor of Power Systems at Imperial College London (ICL). The webinar was hosted by IEEE PES SBC at the University of Birmingham and IEEE UK and Ireland PES Chapter.