Action for Industry Initiative
Welcome to the IEEE UK and Ireland Action for Industry Initiative.
IEEE was founded by volunteers from Industry and they have traditionally comprised the majority of IEEE and remain the majority in Region 8.
In 2015-2016 IEEE Region 8 initiated its Action for Industry (AfI) and delivered planned progress to deliver value to industry. With this aim, in addition to the Chair, four IEEE regional Industry ambassadors were appointed and all IEEE Sections are now establishing Section Industry Ambassadors (SIAs). The UK and Ireland Section is participating in the AfI initiative through its own SIA team.
Region 8 has commenced establishing partnerships with industrial companies with focused actions to provide benefits to industry. Already many companies have offered many Internships and over 100 Internships have been awarded to IEEE students, some of whom have been recruited as employees. Many Industry Senior Members and Fellows have also volunteered to be Mentors and many Mentees have received professional guidance. Further actions to involve industry with IEEE are planned for 2017. Plans will be amended in response to industry feedback and practicability.
To learn more or to contribute, please contact Nihal Sinnadurai.