Section News2023-10-21T19:51:55+01:00

Section News

2202, 2023

Watch Again | IEEE Nanotechnology Chapter Webinar – Advanced Nanofabrication Technique for Synthesis of Nanosensing Structures and Energy Materials

February 22nd, 2023|Categories: Nano Technology, Webinar|Tags: |

Nanostructured materials are rapidly gaining interest among researchers due to their exceptional optical, biological, and mechanical properties, which differ from those of bulk form materials.

1802, 2023

Watch Again | IEEE WIE UKI Ambassadors’ Scheme Early Career Talk 8

February 18th, 2023|Categories: Webinar, Women in Engineering|Tags: , |

Early Career Talk aims to expose the participants to novel areas and aspects of engineering for solving real world problems. It also aims to establish a link for networking, mentorship and to create a connection for research opportunities.

602, 2023

Power and Energy Chapter Launches Best PhD Thesis Competition and Award 2023

February 6th, 2023|Categories: Power and Energy|

The IEEE UK and Ireland Power and Energy Chapter invites video submissions for the PhD Thesis Competition Award. The goal of this competition is to showcase PhD projects to the entire power and energy community - both in academia and industry.

402, 2023

Event Report | Distinguished Lecture: Use of Energy Storage for Reliability Improvement of Renewable Generation

February 4th, 2023|Categories: Power and Energy|

The presentation by describes the growth of renewables in worldwide electric energy production and introduces the contribution of renewable resources of the UK and Ireland. It then describes a mathematical method to determine the amount of storage required to meet a reliability target at a specific load point.

2701, 2023

Watch Again | The Power of Data Analytics in Electric Utilities – An Industry Perspective with a Focus on Asset Management

January 27th, 2023|Categories: Power and Energy, Webinar|Tags: , |

This webinar presents data analytics as one of the hottest jobs today, hence why understanding data and its presentation is a highly desirable attribute in today’s industry.

1001, 2023

Watch Again | Systems Council Systemic Data Analytics Special Interest Group Webinar – AWS CIS Foundation Benchmark: Philosophy and Use Cases

January 10th, 2023|Categories: Systems Council, Webinar|Tags: |

This presentation discusses the importance of the CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark and the benefits of implementing it.

1712, 2022

Watch Again | Systems Council Systemic Innovation Special Interest Group Webinar – Innovation, Artificial Intelligence and Legal Liability

December 17th, 2022|Categories: Systems Council, Webinar|Tags: , , |

This webinar is aimed at active innovators particularly those pushing boundaries in new and exciting fields, leading business and industry leaders, researchers and academics who maybe interested to learn about the legal aspects of their innovative activities.

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