22 02, 2023

Watch Again | IEEE Nanotechnology Chapter Webinar – Advanced Nanofabrication Technique for Synthesis of Nanosensing Structures and Energy Materials

2023-02-26T17:49:47+00:00Tags: |

27 01, 2023

Watch Again | The Power of Data Analytics in Electric Utilities – An Industry Perspective with a Focus on Asset Management

2023-02-04T19:07:36+00:00Tags: , |

10 01, 2023

Watch Again | Systems Council Systemic Data Analytics Special Interest Group Webinar – AWS CIS Foundation Benchmark: Philosophy and Use Cases

2023-02-04T19:06:20+00:00Tags: |

17 12, 2022

Watch Again | Systems Council Systemic Innovation Special Interest Group Webinar – Innovation, Artificial Intelligence and Legal Liability

2022-12-17T18:50:51+00:00Tags: , , |

13 12, 2022

Watch Again | IEEE UK & Ireland Section Annual Christmas Lecture – An Engineering Profession Fit for the Future by Dr Hayaatun Sillem, CBE

2023-03-13T20:11:53+00:00Tags: |

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