Section News

Invitation to serve on UK and Ireland Sensors Council Chapter Elections Committee

The UK and Ireland Sensors Council Chapter is currently putting a 2024 Sensors Council Chapter Elections Committee in place to facilitate officer elections to be held as soon as possible.

The 2024 Sensors Council Chapter Elections Committee comprises of three (3) UK and Ireland Sensors Council Chapter members who are NOT current Chapter Officers and who are NOT putting themselves forward for consideration for the slate of officer positions. Officer Positions include Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary/Treasurer.

Serving on the 2024 Sensor Council Chapter Elections Committee is quite straightforward and is not time intensive.

  • A Call for Nominations is issued to all voting members of the Chapter and nominations should be submitted within one month (position statements and biographies)
  • Candidates for Officer Positions (Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary/Treasurer) must be of Graduate Student Member, Member, Senior Member or Fellow grade with active IEEE and Sensors Council membership
  • The Chapter Elections Committee verify the candidates’ eligibility and willingness to serve and prepare a slate of eligible candidates for each Officer position
  • The slate is circulated to Chapter Members to vote, votes are counted and results shared with candidates, Chapter members and Section Leadership

A briefing will be provided to 2024 Sensors Council Chapter Elections Committee members (which will consist of an Elections Committee Chair, Teller and Member) to ensure they understand their respective roles and responsibilities.

If you wish to serve on the Chapter Elections Committee, please let me know by Friday 14th June, highlighting your past volunteer experience.

Best wishes,

Dr Paul Wright
Chair IEEE UK and Ireland Sensors Council Chapter