Section News

IEEE UK and Ireland Systems Council Chapter Election | Applications Invited by 21 October

Members of the IEEE UK and Ireland Systems Council Members Societies are invited to submit applications for consideration to be included on the Slate of Candidates for the 2024 Systems Council Officers Election.

Full applications should be submitted by email to  and received no later than 23:59 local time on 21 October 2024.

Interested IEEE UK and Ireland members of at least one of the Systems Council Members Societies can self-nominate or be nominated by another IEEE UK and Ireland Member of one of the Systems Council Members Societies,

If you wish to nominate a colleague to be considered for the slate of candidates for the IEEE UK and Ireland Systems Council Chapter Election, it is a requirement that any nominee must be an IEEE Member in good standing and a Member of at least one of the Systems Council Member Societies. The nominee must confirm all content provided in the Application submitted, confirm they wish to considered to be included on the Slate of Candidates, have the available time if selected and are in cc on the application submission.

Officer Volunteer Roles

Officer volunteer roles include: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary/Treasurer.

Please click here to download detailed descriptions of each officer role

Term for each Officer Role: From 01 January 2025 until 31 December 2026

Eligibility for all Officer Roles

  • Must be an IEEE Member in good standing
  • Must be a member of one or more of the Systems Council Member Societies (see list below)
  • Must be of IEEE Graduate Student Member, Member or Life Member, Senior Member or Senior Life Member, Fellow or Life Fellow Grade
  • Must reside in either England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland or Northern Ireland
  • Membership of IEEE and one or more of the Systems Council Member Societies (see list below) must be up to date

Please note that a pre-requisite to be considered for the slate of candidates is to be a UK and Ireland chapter member of at least one of the Systems Council Members Societies

  • IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society
  • IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
  • IEEE Communications Society
  • IEEE Computer Society
  • IEEE Consumer Technology Society
  • IEEE Control Systems Society
  • IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society
  • IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
  • IEEE Industry Applications Society
  • IEEE Information Theory Society
  • IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society
  • IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society
  • IEEE Power Electronics Society
  • IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society
  • IEEE Reliability Society
  • IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
  • IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology
  • IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Society
  • IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society
  • IEEE Vehicular Technology Society

Application Form for consideration to be included on the Slate of Candidates

Please click here to download the Application Form to be completed in full, submitted by email to and received no later than 23:59 local time on 21 October 2024.

Slate of Candidates for Elections

After the application deadline, the Systems Council Chapter Election Committee will verify the eligibility and qualifications of the candidates. All applicants will be notified of the outcome.

The approved Slate of Candidates will be communicated to all UK and Ireland Members of Systems Council Members Societies eligible to vote with a link to the ballot within VTools. Election voting will be open for two weeks.

We look forward to receiving your applications to support the IEEE UK and Ireland Systems Council Chapter.