Section News

IEEE UK and Ireland Electromagnetic Compatibility Society Chapter | Call for 2024 EMC Chapter Elections Committee

The IEEE UK and Ireland Electromagnetic Compatibility Society (EMC) Chapter is currently establishing a 2024 EMC Chapter Elections Committee to facilitate EMC Chapter Officer Elections. This election will be launched once the 2024 EMC Chapter Elections Committee has been established.

The 2024 EMC Chapter Elections Committee will comprise of 3 UK and Ireland Electromagnetic Compatibility Society members who are not current EMC Committee Members and who are not putting themselves forward for consideration for the slate of officer positions

Serving on the 2024 EMC Chapter Elections Committee is quite straightforward and is not time intensive.

  • A call for Nominations is issued to all voting Electromagnetic Compatibility Society Chapter Members. Interested candidates should submit a position statement and biography highlighting relevant skills and experience within one month.
  • Candidates for officer positions (Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary/Treasurer) must be current IEEE and Electromagnetic Compatibility Society Members of IEEE Graduate Student Member, Member, Senior Member, Life Member or Fellow grade.
  • The 2024 EMC Chapter Elections Committee verify the candidates’ eligibility and willingness to serve and prepare a slate of eligible candidates for consideration by the entire UK and Ireland EMC Chapter Membership for each officer position.
  • The slate is set up in the IEEE vTools Voting system, with a link to vote electronically circulated to all voting EMC Members, votes are collected from the system and outcome of the election will shared with all candidates and EMC Chapter members.

2024 EMC Chapter Election Committee Members will receive a full briefing on the Election processes to be followed once appointed.

We look forward to hearing from chapter members who wish to serve the Chapter in this volunteer role by Monday 09 September.

Please provide a context in terms of your background, professional and current/previous volunteer activities by email to