Section News

IEEE PES University of Manchester Student Branch Chapter AGM 2020

On Wednesday, 12th February 2020, the IEEE PES Student Branch Chapter at the University of Manchester hosted their Annual General Meeting (AGM). In total, 22 attended the AGM including 12 IEEE members who are also IEEE PES members.

Mr Mingyu Han, the chair of the 2019-2020 term, hosted the meeting. The events held in 2019 were reviewed along with the highlights of the awards the chapter received in 2019.

The election of the new committee for 2020-2021 was held afterwards. Miss Siwei Liu, the vice-chair in 2019, was elected to be the new chair. Eight other positions were also elected with six volunteers joined the committee as well, making this committee the largest since the establishment of the chapter in 2012.

2020 Committee
Chair Siwei Liu
Vice-Chair Keyi Wang
Secretary Youhong Chen
Treasurer Omoniyi Akinpelumi
Industrial Liaison Officer Rosa Serrano
Events & Publicity Officer Jaime Trivino
Web Coordinator Zaichun Zhang
Events Coordinator Thathsara Herath
External Universities Communication Officer Josephine Abahr
Volunteer Matthias Noebels
Volunteer Abdelrahman Alshehawy
Volunteer Danish Khatri
Volunteer Christian Pößniker
Volunteer Shiying Chen
Volunteer Juliana Beca

More information of the IEEE PES Student Branch Chapter can be found at: