Friday Lunch & Lecture: 5G: – Has UK PLC Grasped the Opportunity?

The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2 Savoy Place, London , United Kingdom

5G was launched in January 2019. What has been adopted; what infrastructure changes have occurred; was the early hype realised; has it affected the economy; have new technologies developed; what is the future in the UK of 5G technology? Have GCHQ worries about the security to vital infostructure and infrastructure materialised?

9th International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP-2019)

University of Westminster 115 New Cavendish Street, London

The 9th IET International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP-19) aims to create an important networking forum in which participants can discuss the present and future of image-based technologies for crime detection and prevention.

Annual IEEE UK and Ireland Section Christmas Lecture

University of Westminster Regent Cinema, 309 Regent Street, London

IEEE UK&I Section are honoured to have IEEE President, José M. F. Moura and IET President, Peter William Bonfield as speakers at our annual Christmas Lecture.

The 4th Annual IEEE UK and Ireland RAS Chapter Conference

University of Manchester Sackville Street Building, Manchester

The 4th annual IEEE UK&I RAS conference brings together researchers, young students and industrial professionals who are interested in the activities of RAS in research, development and education, share the knowledge, latest research achievements and technologies in RAS, as well as promoting collaboration and knowledge transformation.

IEEE United Kingdom & Ireland Blockchain Launch | 2020

London Metropolitan University 166-220 Holloway Road, London

IEEE United Kingdom & Ireland Blockchain Launch | 2020 Welcome to the IEEE United Kingdom and Ireland Blockchain Group Launch! Blockchain, as a disruptive technology, is a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary specialism. It is by far the most forward thinking, impactful, and disruptive emerging technology family that the Future Directions Committee and the IEEE [...]

Technical Talk: What If You Could Grow Back An Amputated Hand For Pain Relief?

University of Reading Van Emden Theatre, Edith Morley Building, Whiteknights Campus, Reading

This talk will look at new ways of using robots and games and will demonstrate how strategies that aim to 'trick' the brain can have a positive impact on the recovery of cognitive and physical injuries and in reducing pain.

2020 Communication Technologies and Cloud Computing Conference (CTCCC 2020)

University of Cambridge Cripps Court, Magdalene College, 1-3 Chesterton Road, Cambridge

CTCCC 2020 will be a remarkable event which can bring together professors, researchers and students in the field of communication technologies and cloud computing making the conference a perfect platform to share experience, foster collaborations across industry and academia, and evaluate emerging technologies across the globe.  

IEEE PES Student Branch Chapter at UoM Celebration Event for 2020 (online)

The IEEE PES Student Branch Chapter at UoM is pleased to invite you to the annual PES Day Celebration Event for 2020. This online event includes a webinar: The Future of Power and Energy, talks on the global and local impact of the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES), the benefits of PES membership and a panel discussion: Affordable and Clean Energy to the Community.

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