IEEE UK & Ireland Circuits and Systems Chapter | WiCAS Workshop

The IEEE UK and Ireland Circuits and Systems Chapter presents its first, Women in Circuits and Systems (WiCAS) Workshop. The scope of the workshop is to promote the excellent research done by women early career researchers in our Section and to foster opportunities for networking and collaboration.

Kings College London | Wheatstone Lecture 2021

the kings College London Wheatstone Lecture this year is on 24th February 2021 delivered by  Sir Peter Knight FRS, Imperial College, London & National Physical Laboratory. His lecture is entitled: What’s Quantum Technology?

IEEE SSIT Distinguished Lecture: Working in the Smart City

This Distinguished Lecture examines how the relationship between space, technology, and the workplace has developed over time, how power relations embedded in these overlapping physical and cyberspaces constrain our behaviour, and what novel ethical and equity concerns arise in the emerging smart city.

Women in Power Webinar | The Future of Hydrogen – Outlooks in Chile and the UK and Ireland

The IEEE PES Women in Power Committees of UK and Ireland and Chile are proud to invite you to the first joint webinar of 2021 on The Future of Hydrogen – Outlooks in Chile and the UK and Ireland. This will be an excellent opportunity to find out more about what it takes to reach carbon neutrality with the help of hydrogen and other low carbon technologies in transport, from the perspectives of the two countries.

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