IEEE UK and Ireland Section Annual Christmas Lecture | POISE: A Generic Framework Targeting the Design and Development of Perfect Interactive Systems Despite Imperfect Users and Imperfect Developers by Dr Philippe Palanque

University of Westminster Regent Cinema, 309 Regent Street, London

The operator is frequently considered as the main sources of vulnerability in command and control systems; for example, in a 2006 survey 79% of fatal accidents in aviation were attributed to “human error.” Focusing on interactive systems specificities, this presentation provides a comprehensive description of faults covering both development and operation phases.

City Conference on Robotics and Autonomous Systems

City, University of London Lecture Theatre B200, University Building B, Northampton Square,, London

This event is a symposium organised by City University, London and supported by IEEE UK and Ireland Robotics and Automation Society Chapter, featuring a diverse range of keynote talks on robotics and autonomous systems.

IEEE UK and Ireland SSIT Distinguished Lecture | mHealth4Afrika – Issues Associated with Technology Adoption in Resource Constrained Environments

The University of Manchester Lecture Theatre A - 2A.040, Engineering Building A, Nancy Rothwell Building, 176 Grafton Street,, Manchester

This SSIT Distinguished Lecture (DL) by Prof. Paul M Cunningham (IST-Africa Institute, Ireland) will share insight gained from mHealth4Afrika related to co-designing appropriate technological solutions to address societal challenges in resource-constrained environments.

IEEE UK and Ireland SSIT Distinguished Lecture | mHealth4Afrika – Issues Associated with Technology Adoption in Resource Constrained Environments

University of Sheffield Lecture Theatre 2, Broad Lane Block, Mappin Building (Level E), Mappin Street, Sheffield

This SSIT Distinguished Lecture (DL) by Prof. Paul M Cunningham (IST-Africa Institute, Ireland) will share insight gained from mHealth4Afrika related to co-designing appropriate technological solutions to address societal challenges in resource-constrained environments.

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