Manchester Energy and Electrical Power System Symposium (MEEPS) 2020

The IEEE Power & Energy Society Student Branch Chapter at The University of Manchester presents the annual Manchester Energy and Electrical Power Systems Symposium MEEPS 2020: “Envisioning the Power and Energy Systems in Industry 4.0 era”.

Women in Power Webinar | The Future of Hydrogen – Outlooks in Chile and the UK and Ireland

The IEEE PES Women in Power Committees of UK and Ireland and Chile are proud to invite you to the first joint webinar of 2021 on The Future of Hydrogen – Outlooks in Chile and the UK and Ireland. This will be an excellent opportunity to find out more about what it takes to reach carbon neutrality with the help of hydrogen and other low carbon technologies in transport, from the perspectives of the two countries.

PES Day 2021 Webinar | Towards a Sustainable Energy Future

The IEEE PES Student Branch Chapter at UoM and Women in Power in UK&I are pleased to invite you to this year’s PES Day Celebration where we have the pleasure of hosting three female leaders in the power and energy field, sharing their views on sustainability and the importance of societies such as the IEEE Power and Energy Society. 

PES Day 2021 Webinars | How to Get Published With IEEE, and Smart Microgrids

The UK and Ireland PES Chapter in conjunction with the IEEE Student Branch Chapter at Northumbria University will have the pleasure of hosting two PES Day Webinars: the young professional talk "How to Get Published with IEEE" by Edward Wong and a technical talk "Smart Microgrids" by Dr Mousa Marzband.

IEEE PES Distinguished Lecture | February Texas Blackouts and Grid Reliability

The IEEE PES Student Branch Chapter at University College Dublin and IEEE PES Student Branch Chapter at The University of Manchester will host the IEEE PES Distinguished Lecturer Program “February Texas Blackouts and Grid Reliability” By Dr Jessica Bian. This talk will explore what happened in Texas and what will be a post-mortem analysis and assessment of alternatives.

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