IEEE Nanotechnology UK & Ireland Chapter Kick-Off Meeting
The newly formed UK and Ireland chapter of IEEE Nanotechnology Council is pleased to announce its kick-off meeting with presentations from several subject experts.
The newly formed UK and Ireland chapter of IEEE Nanotechnology Council is pleased to announce its kick-off meeting with presentations from several subject experts.
IEEE Nanotechnology Chapter Distinguished Lecture | Nanoplasmonics - Reaching Out to the Single Molecule by Prof Reuven Gordon Abstract Arthur Ashkin was co recipient of the Nobel prize in 2018 for his work on optical tweezers however, those conventional optical tweezers are limited to objects that are 100 nm in size. This talk [...]
This talk introduces an approach that traps single unmodified proteins from a solution in a plasmonic hotspot and makes it possible to assign changes in the local refractive index to changes in protein conformation while monitoring these changes for minutes to hours with a temporal resolution at least as fast as 40 microseconds.
IEEE Nanotechnology Seminar (Hybrid) | Electron Transport in Discontinuous Metal Thin Films by Emeritus Prof James E Morris The presentation will review the conventional model [1] but will then move on to a review of the experimental discrepancies that cannot be explained by that model [2]. These discrepancies can all be resolved by [...]
This talk will present recent work on a plasmonic nanogap sensor that has demonstrated single-molecule Raman detection of all 20 proteinogenic amino acids.