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UK & Ireland SISIG & Systems Council Hybrid Workshop | Artificial Innovation; Augmenting Creative Design with AI


Computing and Informatic Research Centre (CIRC) of the Computer Science Department of the Nottingham Trent University (NTU) in conjunction with the Systems Council Chapter and the Systematic Innovation SIG of the IEEE UK & Ireland Section are delighted to present a hybrid workshop to showcase an interesting application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in business and industry.

Recent developments in the field of AI, particularly the Generative AI has created the potential to disrupt business and industry. Failing to take advantage of the benefits of this revolution can be costly for business and industry.

This workshop has been designed to demonstrate the potential application of GenAI in the creative design process and new product design. The workshop has been supported by the generous support from Omnivati, a US-Australian company who has developed a digital tool to utilise Systematic Inventive Thinking (SIT) methodology and has interfaced the solution with ChatGPT and Dall-E to augment the creative design process.

Attending this workshop is recommended to student members, young professionals as well as those involved in new product development.


During this workshop, participants will be introduced to the basic concepts of SIT before providing them with a free time-limited access to Omnivati software tool. A selection of projects undertaken by NTU PG students will be provided as use case scenarios for the workshop practice. Participant whether on premise or online will be put into groups and will be asked to choose a case example for their practice and ideation. The purpose of using these use case scenarios is to demonstrate how participants can generate creative ideas and visualise them with support from Gen AI (Chat GPT) in unfamiliar domains. This should demonstrate the power of AI in enhancing the creativity in unfamiliar fields, acting as a benchmark for what can be achieved when applied to users’ familiar spheres of knowledge, business, or interest.


  • 2:00pm ~ 2:05pm – Welcome and introduction
  • 2:05pm ~ 2:35pm – Introduction to Systematic Inventive Thinking Methodology
  • 2:35pm ~ 3:05pm – Introduction to Omnivati SIT Software tool
  • 3:05pm ~ 3:25pm – Presentation of use case design examples
  • 3:25pm ~ 3:40pm – Comfort Break
  • 3:40pm ~ 4:25pm – Group formation and choosing a use case
  • 4:25pm ~ 4:50pm – Collaborative creative design on the chosen use case
  • 4:50pm ~ 5:00pm – Plenary session and stock taking
  • 5:00pm ~ 5:05pm – Closing remarks

A Microsoft Teams joining link will be provided by email after registration.

For all attendees, an open mind and a connected device (laptop) are recommended.

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