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IEEE WIE UK & Ireland Event | 2024 Challenges and Opportunities at IEEE COINS 2024

IEEE COINS offers a Diversity and Inclusion (DnI) programme and activities to help everyone from any backgrounds achieve their full potential, improve wider society, and bring people closer together.

This year, we are thrilled to invite you to attend the IEEE WIE UK & Ireland 2024 Challenges and Opportunities event, “Leading Women in Tech: Insights, Experiences, and Designing for Diversity and Inclusion,” at the IEEE COINS conference (29-31 July 2024, London, UK).

This event will take place on 30 July 2024 at King’s College London 10:30 am -12:00 pm and hosts two-panel discussions:

Panel 1: Navigating the Tech. Industry as a Woman: Insights, Experience, and Lessons Learned from Leading Women in Tech.

This panel will provide a platform for our guests in which tech leaders as women or advocates for women in technology will provide insight into their experiences and share their perspectives. The panelists will highlight the stories and experiences about their successes and challenges in the tech industry, providing opportunities for women in tech to relate to one another and creating an open dialogue about the central role of skills (e.g., practical skills, technical skills, and entrepreneurial skills), career, and relationship building. This holistic panel will also address some of the key questions many women have regarding navigating the tech space, career development, and growth in the fields of IoT/AI/Data.

Panel 2: Designing for Diversity and Inclusion.

Although the convergence of IoT, AI, Data, Edge-Fog-Cloud Computing, and Blockchain provides one of the most significant opportunities for humanity, the corresponding products/services/devices are typically not designed with the diversity of their user base in mind. This panel will discuss and establish strategies to foster genuine and holistic inclusion regarding the design for these important technologies capturing the world’s complex cultural and environmental diversity factors to tackle the risk of abuse and imbalance.

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