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IEEE Week 2024 | Public Engagement Event – Liverpool

The IEEE UK and Ireland Section is organising a series of public and invitation only meetings during IEEE Week (30th September – 4th October 2024) where IEEE Volunteers, Members and the wider community will have the opportunity to hear from and engage with IEEE President Dr Tom Coughlin.

The IEEE Week 2024 Event in Liverpool on 01 October is focused on Diverse Engineering and Technology Workforce of the Future Event. This event is kindly hosted by Liverpool John Moores University. The event commences at 6pm followed by the opportunity for networking among speakers and participants.


  • Welcome, Prof Raphaela Kane, Pro-Vice Chancellor- Faculty of Health, Science and Engineering, Liverpool John Moores University
  • Welcome and Introduction to IEEE UK and Ireland Section, Prof Paul Cunningham, UK and Ireland Section Chair
  • Considerations for the Future of Technical Education and IEEE, Dr Tom Coughlin, IEEE President
  • Cultivating Creativity and Collaboration through a Diverse Engineering Workforce, Dr Christian Matthews, Deputy Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Director of the School of Engineer, Liverpool John Moores University
  • Shaping the Future: Building a Diverse, Digitally-Ready Engineering and Technology Workforce for the Maritime Sector, Utubakwu M. Ushie, Founder/CEO, Thalasic Ltd
  • LYVA Labs Advanced Manufacturing Network: Shaping a Diverse and Innovative Network for the Future, Paul Tallon, Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Network Manager, LYVA Labs
  • Moderated discussion, Q&A
  • Networking with light refreshments

Abstracts / Biographies

Welcome, Prof Raphaela Kane, Pro-Vice Chancellor- Faculty of Health, Science and Engineering, Liverpool John Moores University


Professor Raphaela Kane is the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering and Technology at Liverpool John Moores University. She relocated from Dublin City University where she held the post of Director of Academic Practice.

Professor Kane has a clinical background specialising in Accident and Emergency nursing in both the UK and Ireland. She has enjoyed an extensive clinical and senior management career in the NHS in London for 15 years undertaking further studies in nursing and education. Professor Kane has enjoyed a variety of roles in higher education and completed her PhD in Dublin City University. She values the relationship between education, research and innovation for the benefit of public health and population outcomes, for healthcare practice and patient care, ensuring that it is central to the work of the Faculty of Health and collaborative partnerships. Professor Kane is a member of the Liverpool City Region Health and Life Sciences Board, Liverpool Health Partners Board, the Innovation Agency and represents Liverpool John Moores University as a founding partner of the Pandemic Institute.

Welcome and Introduction to IEEE UK and Ireland Section, Prof. Paul Cunningham, UK and Ireland Section Chair

Prof Paul Cunningham will provide a brief introduction to IEEE and the activities currently being supported through the IEEE UK and Ireland Section. 


Professor Paul Cunningham is a technology and innovation expert with over 25 years experience collaborating with national and international stakeholders in Europe and Africa, including governmental, industry,  education and research and technology innovation and research funding organisations to support wider adoption of technological innovation to address societal challenges.

Paul has served in a volunteer capacity within IEEE at Director, Technical Activities Board, Member and Geographic Activities, Society, Region, Section and Chapter levels. He is a past Director, IEEE Division VI (2021 – 2022) and President, Society on Social Implications of Technology (2017-2018). He is currently serving in a number of volunteer roles including: Chair, IEEE UK and Ireland Section (2024 – 2025); Member, IEEE TAB Committee on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (2023 – 2024); Member, IEEE MGA Geographic Unit Operations Support Committee – TAB Representative (2024); Member, IEEE TAB Finance Committee (2024 – 2025, 2022 – 2023) and  Chair, IEEE Region 8 Committee on Climate Change (2023 – 2024). 

Considerations for the Future of Technical Education and IEEE, Dr Tom Coughlin, IEEE President


The needs of engineers and other technologists are changing due to the rapid evolution of technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and biotechnology. The future of engineering demands a mindset of adaptability, lifelong learning, and commitment to mastering emerging tools and skills. Global teams, complex projects, and the ethical use of technology demand that communication, collaboration, and a deep understanding of societal impacts are essential to every engineer’s professional skill set. IEEE, as a leader of relevant technical education, is the resource to prepare coming generations of technologists to work in this changing environment.


Dr Tom Coughlin, is the 2024 IEEE President and CEO. Tom has served in numerous IEEE volunteer leadership roles, including President of IEEE-USA, Director of IEEE Region 6, Vice President and Board member of the IEEE Consumer Technology Society,  Chair of the Santa Clara Valley IEEE Section, and Chair of the Consultants Network of Silicon Valley. He is also active with the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) and the Society of Motion Pictures and Television Engineers (SMPTE).

Dr Coughlin is a digital storage analyst and business and technology consultant and is President, Coughlin Associates. He has more than 40 years in the data storage industry with engineering and senior management positions at several companies. 

An IEEE Life Fellow, Dr. Coughlin has many publications and six patents. He is also the author of Digital Storage in Consumer Electronics: The Essential Guide, which is now in its second edition with Springer. Tom is a regular storage and memory contributor for forbes.com and media and entertainment organizations. Coughlin Associates consults and publishes books and market and technology reports, including The Media and Entertainment Storage Report and an Emerging Memory Report, and puts on digital storage-oriented events. 

Cultivating Creativity and Collaboration through a Diverse Engineering Workforce, Dr Christian Matthews, Deputy Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Director of the School of Engineer, Liverpool John Moores University


The benefits of a diverse engineering workforce are real and tangible. Organisations which embrace this principle are likely to see improvements in workplace culture, creativity and productivity. But the sector has a problem. The pipeline of talent is not diverse enough. Females and those from lower socio-economic backgrounds are underrepresented among Engineers the UK Higher Education sector and the dial is stubbornly refusing to move.

This talk will explore the educational challenges, opportunities and implications associated with the rapidly evolving working environment impacted by engineering and technological innovation, and the near term availability and impact of innovative technologies, such as Generative AI. It will look at how outreach to the least represented communities is playing an increasingly important role in the civic work of universities and at the challenges that embedded societal preconceptions present in diversifying the Engineering workforce.

Finally it will examine the importance of coordination and collaboration between education, industry, government and engineering bodies to accelerate curriculum development, prioritising a greater emphasis on creativity and multi-stakeholder based collaborative problem solving.


Christian Matthews is the Director of the School of Engineering at Liverpool John Moores University.

He is a member of LOOM (Liverpool Logistics, Offshore and Marine Research Institute), a Chartered member of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers and a fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Christian received his MEng degree in Mechanical Systems & Design Engineering from the University of Liverpool, UK in 2003. He subsequently joined the Powertrain Control Group as a postgraduate research student where his research interests were modelling, system identification and robust control methodologies applied to powertrain systems and transient powertrain testing systems. He received his PhD from the University of Liverpool in December 2007 for his thesis entitled ‘Identification and Robust Control of Automotive Dynamometers’.

Shaping the Future: Building a Diverse, Digitally-Ready Engineering and Technology Workforce for the Maritime Sector, Utubakwu M. Ushie, Founder/CEO, Thalasic Ltd


As an entrepreneur in the maritime and energy sectors, building a diverse team equipped with cutting-edge technology and engineering skills is both a challenge and an opportunity. The increasing digitalisation and automation of maritime operations demand a workforce that excels in technical expertise and thrives in an evolving, tech-driven landscape. This presentation will explore strategies for fostering a dynamic, inclusive team that can meet today’s engineering needs and tomorrow’s challenges, drawing on insights from my experience in creating a diverse talent pipeline as an entrepreneur.

By leveraging a combination of digital skills, such as data analytics, fleet management software, and technical know-how, we can address the maritime sector’s current skills gap while preparing for the demands of automation and artificial intelligence. I’ll share how businesses can navigate digital transformation, investing in talent development and engineering innovation to drive growth, efficiency, and sustainability in a rapidly changing environment. Together with institutions, engineering bodies and policymakers, we will explore opportunities to bridge the technology skills gap, capitalise on digital solutions, and position the workforce for the future.


Utubakwu M. Ushie is a dynamic professional known for his expertise in marine engineering and digital transformation.

As the Founder and CEO of Thalasic Ltd, he has a strong track record in vessel technical management, data analytics, and implementing innovative digital solutions. Ushie is passionate about helping industries like maritime, energy, and manufacturing embrace emerging technologies to optimise performance and achieve sustainable growth.

With a focus on data-driven decision-making and fostering a culture of innovation, Ushie collaborates with global teams, industry leaders, and government entities to drive transformative change and create a future where businesses thrive in a digital-first world.

LYVA Labs Advanced Manufacturing Network: Shaping a Diverse and Innovative Network for the Future, Paul Tallon, Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Network Manager, LYVA Labs


LYVA Labs’ Paul Tallon leads the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Network to drive collaborative engagements, expand the network, and promote the development of cutting-edge technologies and skill sharing within the Liverpool City Region. LYVA Labs’ work is crucial in revitalising research and development (R&D) activities, directly addressing key local governmental targets for innovation, growth, and economic productivity. By enhancing regional connectivity and facilitating a diverse network, we aim to augment technological advancement through innovation. LYVA Labs is also dedicated to amplifying the voices of historically underrepresented groups, ensuring inclusivity and driving regional advancement.


Paul is an experienced Design Engineer whose past work includes 8 years as a manager and consultant at 3M Buckley Innovation Centre.

Paul has a MSc in FEA based generative, additive, lattice-structures for critical applications. 

At LYVA Labs, Paul fosters collaborative engagements, grows the network and celebrates the technologies, projects, skills and assets in our advanced manufacturing cluster.


Any queries as well as accessibility challenges or dietary requirements can be submitted as part of the Registration Form.

We look forward to your active participation in IEEE Week 2024 Activities of our IEEE UK and Ireland Section.

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