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IEEE UK and Ireland Section | Autumn Meeting Day 2

The closed Section ExCom Autumn Meeting will take place as an in-person event over two half days, hosted by Trinity College Dublin, Ireland:

  • 13:00 – 17:00 Thursday 03 October and
  • 09:00 – 14:00 Friday 04 October

Each Chapter, Council and Affinity Group will be represented by one officer, who is expected to attend the full meeting.

Agenda – Executive Session, Section ExCom Members Only

  • 09:00 Welcome / Opening – Paul Cunningham, Section Chair (1’)
  • 09:01 Roll Call – Saumya Reni, Section Secretary (7’)
  • 09:05 Support Materials for Chapters/Councils/Affinity Groups – Saumya Reni (10’)
  • 09:15 Operationalising Section Cooperation – Educational Activities (45’)

Presentation of Proposed Strategic Plan for Q4 2024, Q1 – Q 2 2025 (15’)
Discussion on cooperation across all Section Organisational Units – All (30’)

  • 10:00 Operationalising Section Cooperation – Student Activities (40’)

Achievements, Lessons Learnt and Future Plans (15’)
Discussion on Cross Organisational Unit Cooperation with Student Branches – All (25’)

  • 10:40 – 10:55 Break
  • 10:55 Operationalising Section Cooperation – Affinity Groups Activities (40’)

Achievements, Lessons Learnt and Future Plans – Life Members (5’)
Achievements, Lessons Learnt and Future Plans – Women in Engineering – Princy Johnson (5’)
Achievements, Lessons Learnt and Future Plans – Young Professionals (5’)
Discussion on cooperation between Affinity Groups, Chapters and Councils – All (25’)

  • 11:35 Section Election Committee – First Slate for ExCom Approval – Mona Ghassemian (5’)
  • 11:40 Achievements, Lessons learnt, Plans for Future from Society/Council Chapter Chairs (20’)

IEEE Sensors Council – Paul Wright (5’)
IEEE Systems Council – Farhad Fassihi (5’)
IEEE Nanotechnology Council – Lei Xu (5’)
IEEE Joint Chapter Reliability and Electronic Packaging Societies – Stoyan Stoyanov (5’)

  • 12:00 Member Retention – Senior Member Elevation (10’)
  • 12:10 Any Other Business (20’)
  • 12:30 Meeting Closes with Group Photo
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