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IEEE UK and Ireland Section | Autumn Meeting Day 1

The closed Section ExCom Autumn Meeting will take place as an in-person event over two half days, hosted by Trinity College Dublin, Ireland:

  • 13:00 – 17:00 Thursday 03 October and
  • 09:00 – 14:00 Friday 04 October

Each Chapter, Council and Affinity Group will be represented by one officer, who is expected to attend the full meeting.

  • 12:00 – 13:00 Networking Lunch with IEEE President (Section ExCom Members)
  • 13:00 – 14:00 Closed Townhall Meeting (IEEE President Dr Tom Coughlin, Section ExCom Members)

Agenda – Executive Session, Section ExCom Members Only

  • 14:00 Welcome / Opening – Paul Cunningham, Section Chair (1’)
  • 14:01 Roll Call & Apologies – Saumya Reni, Section Secretary (7’)
  • 14:08 New Appointments – Paul Cunningham (6’)
  • 14:14 Approval of Agenda (1’)
  • 14:15 Approval of Minutes of Spring Section Meeting 2024 – Saumya Reni (1’)
  • 14:16 Section Chair Report – Paul Cunningham (14’)
  • 14:30 Achievements, Lessons learnt and Plans for Future from Society Chapter Chairs (60’)

IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society Chapter – Julien LeKernec (5’)
IEEE Computer Society Chapter – Caroline Li (5’)
IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Chapter – Andreas Demosthenous (5’)
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Chapter – Hujun Yin (5’)
IEEE Control Systems Society Chapter – Ibrahim Kucukdemiral (5’)
IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society Chapter – Istebreq Saeedi (5’)
IEEE Education Society Chapter – Zeyad Al-Shibaany (5’)
IEEE Electron Devices Society Chapter – Radu Sporea (5’)
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Chapter – Richard Gault (5’)
IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society Chapter – Min Zhang (5’)
IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society Chapter – Sevket Cetinsel (5’)
IEEE Information Theory Society Chapter – Deniz Gundus (5’)

  • 15:30 – 15:40 Break
  • 15:40 Achievements, Lessons learnt and Plans for Future from Society Chapter Chairs (75’)

IEEE Magnetics Society Chapter – Liam O’Brien (5’)
IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society Chapter – Radhakrishna Prabhu (5’)
IEEE Power and Energy Society Chapter – Eduardo Audiche (5’)
IEEE Power Electronics Society Chapter – Bing Ji (5’)
IEEE Photonics Society Chapter – Richard Pitwon (5’)
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Chapter – Mary He (5’)
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society Chapter – Jane Zheng (5’)
IEEE Signal Processing Society Chapter – Mark Plumley (5’)
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Chapter – John Morrissey (5’)
IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society Chapter – Katherine Tant (5’)`
IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Chapter – Faisal Tariq (5’)
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society – Raffaella Guida (5’)
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Chapter – Vale Donzella (5’)
IEEE Joint Chapter Antennas and Propagation and Microwave Theory and Technology Societies – Qammer Abbasi (5’)
IEEE Joint Chapter Communications and Control Systems Societies – Nikolaos Athanasopoulos (5’)

16:55 Concluding Remarks – Evening Plans – Paul Cunningham (5’)

17:00 Meeting Closes

18:00 – 20:00 Royal Irish Academy (RIA) Discourse – Artificial Intelligence RIA, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin 2, D02 HH58

  • Dr Tom Coughlin, 2024 IEEE President
  • Moderator: Prof. Orla Feely, UCD President

This is an invitation event for Royal Irish Academy Members.

The RIA has kindly agreed to provide the Section with a limited number of seats to facilitate participation by Section ExCom Members.

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