Continuing Professional Development
ontinuing Professional Development (CPD) equips professionals to deal with a rapidly-changing business environment. CPD encompasses technical competence, but should also include skills that help an individual to perform as a rounded professional. Key development areas include personal, management and business skills.
The UK and Ireland Section of IEEE is developing a portfolio of online CPD materials, comprising of live webinars which are recorded and can be subsequently viewed ‘On Demand’. The portfolio is still developing but will be categorised into thematic areas which can be accessed below.
If you are a CPD practitioner and would like to contribute a webinar, please get in touch with the Education Chapter Vice Chair, Zeyad Al-Shibaany.
The Educational Society Chapter will verify all the training materials and assign CPD credits to every training course based on the time of the training. (1 training hour = 1 CPD credit). It will also provide high-quality training for members who would like to become professional trainers or those who are seeking help to create their training material.
A CPD certificate will be awarded for those who will attend the training courses/webinars.
Thematic Areas
More thematic areas coming soon…
Upcoming Webinars
Benefits of CPD