Engineering in Medicine and Biology Chapter
Welcome to the IEEE UK and Ireland Engineering in Medicine and Biology Chapter.
We are part of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society and we provide IEEE members in the UK and Ireland with a forum for discussion, and dissemination of ideas and results in the biomedical engineering field. We have been in existence since 1998 years and try to provide all members with activities and opportunities to discuss.
We provide a means for members of all levels from students, to young professionals and seasoned professionals – both academics and industry based. We are a relatively small community, however we aim to provide a platform for all very much welcome new members and guests to attend our events.
In 2022, members of the chapter committee hosted the society’s flagship conference – EMBC – in Glasgow; chaired by the then chapter chair Prof Christopher James. It was the first time the conference had taken place in UK and Ireland and saw a great celebration of the many contributions the section have made in this global field.
We are also interested in providing outreach opportunities to teach STEM (Science Technology Engineering and maths) to children through biomedical engineering.
Chapter Committee
Upcoming Events
Watch Again | IEEE EMBS UK & Ireland Chapter Webinar on Brain Computer Interface
IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBS) UK and Ireland Chapter recently delivered a two-part webinar looking at different aspects of the brain computer interface.
Watch Again | EMB Chapter Webinar – Exploring the Possibility of AI to Improve Patient Care in ICU
This seminar presented the opportunities which exist when applying machine learning methods to physiological data. Computer systems deployed in hospital environments, routinely collect a large volume of data that can hold very useful information, however, the vast majority are either not stored and lost forever or are stored in digital archives and rarely re-examined.
Watch Again | How are Engineering and Computational Methods Being Used to Address the Problems Created by Covid-19? by Prof Javier Martín-Torres and Dr Dheeraj Rathee
On 9th December, IEEE UK and Ireland Engineering in Medicine and Biology Chapter hosted a two-part webinar "How are Engineering and Computational Methods Being Used to Address the Problems Created by Covid-19?"which is now available to view on-demand.
Past Chairs